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The 9 Habits of Successful People, How to Control Your Emotions, Lose Weight and Stay Happy - 3 Books In 1: The Perfect Guide for Success, 10 Tips How to Do It
Written by:
Alex Wolf
Narrated by:
Jason Belvill
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Release Date
July 2, 2022
10 hours 13 minutes
Success is something that brings motivation full circle. No one wants to fail in life, and most of us seek to attain something that is our primary aim and desire throughout our lives. With that in mind, the goal of this book is to reach out to everyone who has a dream and wants to cross off their bucket list of desires.
There are many successful figures in the world, and it is easy for us to look up to them, read about their accomplishments, and wonder if we might ever achieve the same level of triumph. The nine most powerful habits that a large number of successful individuals possess and employ in their daily lives are discussed in detail.
You have the power within you to conquer your emotions once and for all, through these 10 powerful tips. Read this book to learn how you can take back control over your emotions.
Losing weight is arguably one of the most commonly failed goals that people set for themselves. In general, as human beings, we always aspire towards a life of health and fitness. However, many of us don't necessarily have the drive or the know-how to achieve those kinds of aspirations. More than that, not everyone has the kind of resilience or discipline to see things through once they get started.
At the end of the day, you're just more likely to stick to something if it actually manages to bring you joy. In this book, we are going to go over all of the basic knowledge and information that you need to lose weight healthily. While the ultimate goal is to stay fit and healthy, it's also important that you are enjoying the process. Health and happiness are not mutually exclusive concepts. It's perfectly possible for you to be fit and have fun at the same time. It's all just a matter of reshaping your mindset and practising all of the tried, tested, and trusted techniques that will be discussed in this book.
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The 9 Habits of Successful People...
Alex Wolf
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