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Apology by Plato

Apology by Plato

Written by:
Plato , Scoobert Doobert
Narrated by:
Scoobert Doobert
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 4, 2023
1 hour 12 minutes
This isn't an apology. It's a journey back to ancient Athens for a thrilling courtroom drama... with Socrates' life on the line.

Charged with religious blasphemy, the corruption of the youth, and the creation of new gods, Socrates recounts his journey to become the World's Wisest Man™ — with his tongue stuck firmly inside his cheek. Hear from the gadfly of Athens, as he's guided by the oracle at Delphi and discovers his inner daimons.

'The Apology' is a captivating exploration of tragedy, philosophy, courage, comedy in the face of death and corruption, and the relentless pursuit of truth. This masterpiece by Plato is brought into the audiobook format by musician and producer, Scoobert Doobert.

It's one of his favorites from the ancient world, one that deeply shaped his personal philosophy and artistic journey. And adding to the emotional punch, this dialogue is written by Plato, Socrates' disciple who watched his friend and mentor die at the hands of a corrupt jury. It's a positively metamodern tale and feels even more so with Mr. Doobert's slight changes to the public domain translation from Attic Greek. Your purchase includes a bonus podcast episode that follows the end of the audiobook.

Visit www.ScoobertDoobert.Pizza to hear Mr. Doobert's music.
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