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Australia: A History Book of Australia

Australia: A History Book of Australia

Written by:
Will Forrest
Narrated by:
Will Forrest
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 3, 2023
2 hours 46 minutes
From the Aboriginal Dreamtime to the arrival of the First Fleet, from the gold rushes to the world wars, this audibook is a magical tale full of wonder and enchantment. And with a narrative style that will transport you to another world, you'll feel like you're right there, watching history unfold before your very eyes.

The audibook consist of:

- An immersive experience like no other: With a writing style that is as enchanting as it is informative, 'Australia' is a journey through time that will leave you spellbound. You'll feel like you're walking alongside the explorers, settlers, and rebels who helped shape Australia's destiny.
- Fascinating characters and captivating stories: From the fierce warriors of the Dreamtime to the legendary bushrangers of the 19th century, from the brave ANZAC soldiers to the suffragettes who fought for women's rights, this audibook is filled with unforgettable characters and stories that will capture your imagination and leave you wanting more.
- A magical look at Australia's unique challenges: From the harsh climate to the rugged landscapes, from the isolation of the continent to the complexities of multiculturalism, the audibook explores the magical and mystical factors that have made this nation's history so unique and captivating.
- A celebration of resilience and triumph: Through wars, natural disasters, economic booms and busts, the people of Australia have always found a way to endure and come out stronger on the other side. The audiobook is a testament to the spirit and resilience of a nation that has weathered countless challenges.

Purchase this audibook now and enter a world where history and storytelling converge to reveal the epic story of Australia.
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