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The Book of Lies

Written by:
Aleister Crowley
Narrated by:
P. J. Taylor

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 1, 2017
1 hour 34 minutes
The Book of Lies, or Liber 333, is a holy book in the Western occult tradition of Thelema, consisting of 91 short chapters of poems, aphorisms, rituals, and metaphysics. This recording is of the original 1913 publication, and thus omits the further commentaries added by Crowley for subsequent additions. Those familiar with Crowley's hermetic writings will recognize his subversive and playful style. Beneath the layers of symbolism, contradiction, and blasphemy lies a biting critique of the puritanical social, political, and religious values of the author's generation. - Summary by P. J. Taylor
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Radek B.

worst book ever. never judge a book by its cover but this one you can. audio was terrible as if it was a robot out of the 1970 reading. crap

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Michael J.

Excellent narrator The book definitely held some insight But, on a personal note a lot of it seems to be contrivance rather than actual knowledge. That being said, an associative mind can still draw meaning from random statements.

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Mohamed R.

so far very creative sentences n simple style of dilivering the messenge I whould say he did a god job on discrib his darkest imaginations. sence wise this book is pure hate!!!!!!!

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Nate R.

not the best of his work

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Void of common substance.

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Chris C.

I couldn't listen to the narrator longer than 5 minutes.... I give it any stars purely from reputation and subject matter because like I said, 5 minutes.

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if only the truth told as a lie would be allowed to be told as it's own truth,then the unwanted for freedom would be what would be.

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