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Born in the USA - Exploring America in Poems - The Ohio Poets
Written by:
Kate Brownlee Sherwood
James Edwin Campbell
Joshua Mccarter Simpson
Hart Crane
Alice Cary
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Ambrose Bierce
Narrated by:
Warren Keyes
Christopher Ragland
Laurel Lefkow
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Release Date
January 1, 2024
0 hours 58 minutes
Poetry. A form of words that seems so elegantly simple in one verse and so cleverly complex in another. Each poet has a particular style, an individual and unique way with words and yet each of us seems to recognise the path and destination of where the verses lead, even if sometimes the full comprehension may be a little beyond us.
Through the centuries every culture has produced verse to symbolize and to describe everything from everyday life, natural wonders, the human condition and even in its more hubristic moments, the crushing triumph of an enemy.
In the volumes of this series we take a look through the prism of individual regions of the United States through the centuries and decades.
The United States may be many things: the world's policeman, a bully, a shameless purveyor of mass market culture but it also, in its better moments, a standard bearer for truth, transparency, equality and the more positive qualities of democracy.
Little wonder that's its poets are rightly acknowledged as wonders of their art. Leading lights in the fight against slavery and for equality, even if the rest of the Nation is finding it problematic to catch up.
The great state of Ohio, also known as the "Buckeye State" is a bell-weather state in most elections, famed for its history, manufacturing prowess and its contribution to the union in the arts and culture. Times in the rust belt have undeniably turned harder buts its poetic history continues to illuminate with verse from such mighty pens as Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ambrose Bierce, Hart Crane and Alice Cary. Genius in every name.
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Born in the USA - Exploring Ameri...
Kate Brownlee Sherwood
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