Unabridged Audiobook
I absolutely loved this book... the way it was written, the cadence of how the story is told. in the hard copy you have pictures, inbetween each chapter. But in the audio version you have songs! it's incredible and I'm happy to have both.
This is one of the best audiobook versions of a book I’ve ever heard. Having Brandi Carlile sing songs at the end of each chapter relevant to that chapter made for such a moving experience. And having her narrate her story made it all the more personal. Very well done.
Brandie Carlile is articulate and real in writing and narrating her memoir. I felt like she was sitting in the room speaking directly to me in a warmhearted delivery of her life. Her relationships with other composers and musicians added depth to her story along with her singing a multitude of her work. A truly blessed person.
I absolutely loved this book. I felt Brandi was very honest and open. Her song writing has demonstrated her storytelling ability and her book expanded on this. I really enjoyed learning about the story behind so many of her songs. The addition of her singing the songs was fantastic. I’m now a super fan!
Oh my goodness this whole book is easy on the ears. She bookends the chapters with music and the chapters are written like lyrics. Having Brandi read it is intimate and wonderful. Vulnerable and brave!
my goodness. I could not have loved this memoir more. i didn’t know much about brandi carlile before a friend recommended it to me. we could be twins in so many ways; same birthday month/year. same utter love and necessity for horses and how they played a significant role in our lives and just the deep dive into figuring out who we are as people, women, partners, mamas. i recommend the audiobook. she sings at the end of every chapter and at the end of the book is an hour of her singing! it’s gorgeous. plus hearing a memoir from the voice of the person with their own pain, trials, tribulations; there is nothing like hearing it all, inflections, excitement and pain in their voice. All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am
Brandi is the most real down to earth celebrity in a world full of super inflated egos and bs. Her memoir will make you a fan even if you have never heard her amazing voice. This is one very special book.
Truly wonderful. And the bonus unplugged album was over the top. Thank you Brandi!!
She's just so damn interesting. Love that she knew her dream from when she was young, but - unlike me - got the perfect education and experiences to make it a reality. A very cool story told by a earnest and intelligent soul.
Awesome book. Candid, honest, real, inspiring. Loved having the music as a part of the story!!
okay I'm actually giving Brandi Carlile 13 stars but there's only showing five LOL when she is either singing her own songs other people's songs or just talking in general her voice is mesmerizing and every word spoken is enunciated with such brilliance even if it's just the simplest word I would give anything in the world to be able to sit down and have a conversation over some drinks in front of the campfire and then sing a few tunes I can honestly say I think that would make me as happy as the day my children were born lol
I am late to the party, having only discovered her and her music within the past few months. It has been an exciting and emotional ride going through her albums and now hearing the stories behind the songs. She comes across as very down to earth, likable and approachable. You will laugh, cry and learn from listening to her life story. Some of my favorite parts of the book are where she describes her friendships with Elton John and Joni Mitchell. A unique characteristic of the audiobook is that when she is through reading a chapter, she will play acoustic versions of songs she talked about. If you are even just a casual fan, I really think you will enjoy listening to this. Also, the audiobook itself is really only about 8 1/2 hours. The rest of the time at the end is the same acoustic versions of songs repeated chronologically.
I loved this book, such an easy read and the music was an added bonus.
I loved that Brandi read the memoir herself and sang songs at the end of every chapter! What a treat! Her story is told with such honesty and she’s wonderfully down to earth. I felt like I was sitting with an old friend listening to stories..... I highly recommend this book.
Omg I LOVED this book. It puts so many of her songs into context. Thank you Brandi!
Lovely memoir, especially if you have been a fan of Brandi for many years to see how hard she worked to get where she is now. I first saw Brandi in the early 2000s as an opening act when it was just her acoustic and have seen her with her band on two additional occasions as an opening act long before they were nominated or won a Grammy. This audiobook goes into detail to explain many of her or the twins stories that led to the song lyrics from the multiple albums they have had. This audiobook is even more special that it is narrated by Brandi and after discussing the background stories to the song lyrics, she sings many of the songs, which is an additional bonus to this audiobook.
Deeply moving life story by a woman very gifted in musical story telling of a complex, painful journey to find a place of wholeness and peace as a lesbian.