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Character Building

Written by:
Booker T. Washington
Narrated by:
Andrew L. Barnes

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
May 15, 2015
6 hours 10 minutes
In Character Building are thirty-seven addresses that Booker T. Washington gave before students, faculty, and guests at the Tuskegee Institute. These addresses take the form of timeless advice on a number of subjects. These talks are delivered in motivational and uplifting manner one would expect from this American Icon on education, ethics, morals, deportment, spirituality and the dignity of labor. These short talks contain sage advice fit to focus the mind and heart toward the building up of self, while never relinquishing the personal responsibility we have to one another. "Let every person get into the habit of planning every day for the comfort and welfare of others, let each one try to live as unselfishly as possible, remembering that the Bible says:

"He that would save his life, must lose it." And you never saw a person save his life in this higher sense, in the Christ-like sense, unless that person was willing, day by day, to lose himself in the interest of his fellow-men. Such persons save their own lives, and in saving them save thousands of other lives." - What About Our Future, Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington received criticism constantly from his contemporaries for being to conciliatory to whites regarding civil rights; however, the course of his life did reflect a man deeply concerned about the rights of Americans with African descent. Unfortunately, he was not credited for his efforts until shortly after his death in 1915.
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Henry Bergeron

Thank You for your inquiry about "Character Building by Booker T Washington. Many items talked about are from a time when life was much simpler. But what the book does is applaud the value of being the best that you can be, also in the school environment, helps create the best way to help less fortunate individuals get a strong foundation of what it takes to be a productive individual, thus creating a wonderful example for others to follow. An example that many affluent individuals seem to be lacking in.

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