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Clear and Present Danger

Written by:
Tom Clancy
Narrated by:
Michael Prichard

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 7, 2010
30 hours 10 minutes
Colombian drug lords, bored with Uncle Sam's hectoring, assassinate the head of the FBI. The message is clear: Bug off!

At what point do these druggies threaten national security? When can a nation act against its enemies? These are questions Jack Ryan must answer because someone has quietly stepped over the line.

Does anyone know who the real enemy is? How much action is too much? Which lines have been crossed? Ryan and his 'dark side,' a shadowy field officer known only as Mr. Clark, are charged with finding out. They expect danger from without...but the danger from within may be the greatest of all!
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Phenomenal book. Although Jack Ryan is probably the charachter who's perspective the reader is most meant to be seeing the story through, he's not actually in the book all that much. John Clark and Ding Chavez are in the book more prominently. Which is all fine by me, they're my favorite characters in the "Ryanverse" anyway. Michael Pritchard does a really good job on the narration. He adjusts his voice just enough for each character, even the females, to help give them color and identity in conversations, but not overmuch so as to get too close to being cheese. If you are on the fence about what to read next, and you even have a passing interest in Clancy's novels, get this one.

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Jeffrey F.

I have recently lost the ability to hold and read books. I have a print copy of this title but must admit, listening to it is riveting. I had forgotten much and the movie (with Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan) was a good one. There was some "artistic license but what out of Hollywood isn't?

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Clarence K

great it couple of times. in my work I can now listen to it

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