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Doctor Who: Human Nature: A 7th Doctor novel

Written by:
Paul Cornell
Narrated by:
Lisa Bowerman

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 20, 2015
8 hours 0 minutes
An unabridged reading of the 7th Doctor novel by Paul Cornell which formed the basis for the 10th Doctor television story Human Nature / The Family of Blood. Hulton College in Norfolk is a school dedicated to producing military officers. With the First World War about to start, the boys of the school will soon be on the front line. But no one expects a war – not even Dr John Smith, the college’s new house master…

The Doctor’s friend Benny is enjoying her holiday in the same town. But then she meets a future version of the Doctor, and things start to get dangerous very quickly. With the Doctor she knows gone, and only a suffragette and an elderly rake for company, can Benny fight off a vicious alien attack? And will Dr Smith be able to save the day?
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The story reads as if it is the 10th Dr. rather than the 7th, [could be related to seeing the David Tennant version of this story], and this is the first time I've come across Bernice Summerfield, learnt her back story of the net, [would have been helpful to have this]. Several plot holes, and does "plod" along at times, but overall a good story showing the Dr's inner workings and how he does fail to protect those around him at times.

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