Egyptian Cosmology The Animated Universe, 3rd edition

Egyptian Cosmology The Animated Universe, 3rd edition

Written by:
Moustafa Gadalla
Narrated by:
Susie Hennessy
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 2018
5 hours 37 minutes
This third edition surveys the applicability of Egyptian cosmological concepts to our modern understanding of the nature of the universe, creation, science, and philosophy. Egyptian cosmology is humanistic, coherent, comprehensive, consistent, logical, analytical, and rational. Discover the Egyptian concept of the universal energy matrix and the creation process accounts. Read about numerology, dualities,trinities as well numerical significance of numbers up to the number ten; how the social and political structures were a reflection of the universe; the cosmic role of the pharaoh; and the interactions between earthly living and other realms; how the human being is related to the universe; the Egyptian astronomical consciousness; the earthly voyage; climbing the heavenly ladder to reunite with the Source; etc. This book is divided into five parts containing a total of 21 chapters. Part I: The Egyptian Mystical Monotheism consists of one chapter: Chapter 1: The Most Religious will cover the deep mystical meaning of monotheism for the deeply religious Egyptians as well as an overview of their cosmic consciousness. Part II: The Principles of Creation consists of three chapters 2 through 4: Chapter 2: The Animating Energies of The Universe will cover the scientific understanding by the Egyptians of the state of the world prior to creation and the animating divine energies of the creation cycle. Chapter 3: The Pictorial Metaphysical Images will cover the scientific basis for the Egyptians' pictorial symbolism of metaphysical concepts and the process by which the Egyptian ideographs were manifested in such figurations. Chapter 4: The Egyptian Creation Process Accounts will cover an overview of the three primary phases of the Creation Cycle. Part III: The Creation Numerical Codes has ten chapters—chapters 5 through 14: Chapter 5: Numerology of the Creation Process will cover number mysticism in Ancient Egypt, and analysis of the numbers two, three and five Chapter 6: Th
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