Unabridged Audiobook
Awesome stories, something about his voice. This one I’ll listen too a few times
Joe tells a awesome story !!!
More focused than the first book. Instead of a career overview, Kenda concentrates on a few particularly memorable cases with motive being the primary theme of the book. Every bit as enjoyable as the first.
Excellent! Once again, a brilliant book to listen too. Looking forward to next book.
Joe Kenda and the way he tells the stories is superb.I can picture him in my mind, after watching his TV show ... just great and definitely worth the time and listen.
This was such a good book to listen to! Joe Kenda is wonderful, superb narrator. I did not even know about Joe Kenda, maybe the only person on the planet who did not, but my daughter loves true crime, and she loves Colorado, so she was the one who told me aobut him after I gifted her with a audiobook subscription. I just watched a few episodes of his show on Hulu also. Will check out more of his books for sure.
Love listening to Joe! He's got great life stories and is gifted telling them!
Great book
I love his sense of humor
Joe's over-inflated ego is frustrating. He continues to think he is so much smarter than the perps he is looking for, interviewing, and charging with a crime, however, he makes mistakes that eventually lets the criminal out of jail. For example, he had one of his first story's murderers in for questioning, and for over four hours he did not do a computer search on them to find out their ages. The 17 year old ended up getting out of prison with only 6 years served because of Joe's lack of common sense steps of bringing in suspects. He kept questioning the underage suspect/murderer without his parents, which is against the law. The murderer's new attorney got him out with only 6 years served. Joe mentions how upset the victim's family is when the murderer gets out, but he doesn't take any blame. Horrible police work! And the over-inflated ego is crazy because he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
very interesting details about some of Joe's case files from his law enforcement career
This book was boring.
I just love Joe Kenda and the way he shares his experiences into the psyche of what makes a killer.