The Man in Lower Ten

Written by:
Mary Roberts Rinehart
Narrated by:
Mary Ann

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 2011
6 hours 17 minutes
Someone had to take the bank notes to Pittsburgh and take a statement from John Gilmore confirming that they were indeed forged. It was McKnight's turn to go, but he was bagging off because he wanted to spend the weekend visiting Alison West in Richmond. And so his law partner, Lawrence Blakeley, is left with no choice but to make the trip himself. All goes well at first, but on the train home, Blakeley wakes to find that the notes, along with his clothes, are missing from his sleeping berth. It was an eventful night. In addition to the theft, there's been a murder in the berth across, and when the weapon is found under Blakeley's pillow, he becomes one of the prime suspects.
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Gabrielle B.

Very good mystery!

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Interesting story and well read

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Boring not good

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Boring and slow

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Great book. This may be my fav narrator as she is easy to listen to both in just pleasant to the ear and easy to follow.

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The narrator was great. It is so much easier to listen with one narrator. The story is convoluted but still angaging.

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Glad to only have one narrator

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Intriguing events which take place around a sleeping car. A lawyer, Lawrence Blakeney is carrying important papers which it is hoped to be used in a trial against a forger. But before he can get there, a great number of things happen including theft, mixed up sleeping arrangements, missing men and even murder. That there were several women who seem to have had some part in the events, adds more mystery. Untangling the chronology and the individuals involved is crucial because what the clues seem to say, is that Mr. Blakeney has committed the crime. Everyone believes that his story of the theft of his personal items, along with the papers, is not true.

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Judy Kumm

Interesting mystery and several different things happening to make it intriguing. Hard to follow sometimes. Narration is somewhat monotone.

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