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Meditations for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Written by:
Joe Dispenza
Narrated by:
Joe Dispenza

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
June 10, 2015
2 hours 28 minutes
This mental-rehearsal Audio Download set, the four-week guided-meditation companion program to Dr Joe Dispenza's book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, is designed to move you from the analytical Beta brain-wave state to the state of Alpha, and develop your ability to sustain coherent brain-wave patterns. By placing your awareness on different parts of your body 'in space' and on 'the space around your body', as instructed by Dr Joe, you are altering your brain so that you enter into the operating system of your subconscious mind - where unwanted habits and programmes exist. The objective is to learn to stay present and make meditation a skill. It is from this new place that you will begin to make the changes in your life that you desire!
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There’s no way to download the file and it’s just one continuous track. I thought each meditation would be a separate track. Not what I expected or wanted.

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Great meditations to start with and effective…what more could you want

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Celeste S.

Awful listening experiences. The tracks for the meditations aren’t tabbed. Trying to cue to a specific point to listen to the right meditation is very frustrating. Optimized for an actual book. Not a meditation audio with several different meditations. I wish I could just download it and play itv on a player of my choice. Don’t waste your money on this. If you plan to listen to easy meditation several times before you move on to the next your going to waste a lot of time.

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