Unabridged Audiobook
SPOILER ALERT!!! It's not Dickens, but it's a good read. I'm very interested in art, life in Paris, especially Henri Matisse, and life during WWII in general, so I found Pierre Matisse's memoir a fascinating story. He talks a lot about his Grandfather, Henri Matisse, and gives personal insights that you just don't get from Art books. It reads as though it may have been written from diary entries, but that's OK, as it gives the book authenticity. I think without this, you might think the whole lot has been made up. You get the impression that Pierre may have been a bit of a ratbag as far as his responsibilities towards his wife and,to the point where I start judging him, and some of the big life decisions he made. However, I remind myself that he had a very difficult life, and I haven't walked in his shoes, therefore, I have no right to judge him. When I finished the book I googled Pierre Matisse art works, as I had no idea he, or his mother and father were all artists.