Mongol Empire: Nomadic Origins To Lasting Global Heritage

Mongol Empire: Nomadic Origins To Lasting Global Heritage

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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 2023
7 hours 55 minutes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

Unveiling the Epic Saga of the Mongol Empire: A Book Bundle of Nomadic Origins to Lasting Global Heritage

Book 1 - Rise of the Storm Lords: The Birth of the Mongol Empire (1206-1227) Embark on a journey to the heart of the Eurasian steppes, where a chieftain named Temujin transforms into the formidable Genghis Khan. Witness the birth of an empire, from the unification of tribes to the forging of an ambition that would shape the destiny of nations.

Book 2 - Conquerors of Continents: The Expansion and Rule of the Mongol Empire (1227-1368) Experience the sweeping conquests that carried Mongol banners across continents, from Europe to China. Explore the complexities of governance, the interplay of cultures, and the legacy of rule that left its mark on history. Immerse yourself in the intrigue and grandeur of the Mongol Empire's expansion.

Book 3 - Echoes of the Steppes: Cultural Legacies and Influences of the Mongol Empire (13th-15th Century) Step into a world where art, language, and ideas intertwine in a cultural tapestry woven by the Mongols. Discover the echoes that linger from their interactions with diverse societies, creating a legacy that continues to inspire and resonate through the ages.

Book 4 - Mongols in the Modern Age: Rediscovering the Empire's Impact on Global History (16th Century-Present) Journey into the present day to uncover the hidden ways in which the Mongol legacy endures. From redefined identities to the influence on modern geopolitics, this volume sheds light on the unexpected connections between the past and the contemporary world.

Don't miss this opportunity to own a comprehensive collection that unravels the epic saga of the Mongol Empire's nomadic origins and its enduring influence on global heritage.
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