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Never Say Werewolf Again: Winter Valley Werewolves Book 1

Never Say Werewolf Again: Winter Valley Werewolves Book 1

Written by:
V. Vaughn
Narrated by:
Ramona Master
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 29, 2015
1 hour 48 minutes
Katie Winslow made a life-altering decision the night of senior prom. But once she realized what she had become, Katie wanted nothing to do with her new state. Running off to college seemed like a good idea until mating season hit. Now the fever to reproduce is so great she can’t think straight. 

Brindle Lindholm has his true mate locked in forever. If only Katie would come to her senses and accept that they are meant to be together. Mating season has come, and he knows Katie has to be suffering in heat. Brindle is the only one who can satiate the need, and even though his heart will have to stand the rejection that is sure to follow, he knows he must go to her. When their coupling satisfies more than sexual need, it changes their future, forever. 
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Toni M.

Cute story about werewolves and the turmoil of finding a mate. Katie and Brindle have been together for ages and Brindle realizes that Katie is is true mate. On the night of prom she becomes one like him. She is a trifle upset about her decision and heads off to college thinking about forgetting what she is and who made here like that. Then her heat stikes and Brindle comes to her add. Weeks later Katie discovers something that is life altering for both her and Brindle. Then one mistake after another is made on both sides that Brindle's happly ever after may not happen. Fantastic story and the audio is great. The narrator works the parts beautifully.

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