Unabridged Audiobook
I normally stay away from books like these because of the subject matter, However, since it was a requirement for my grad class, I had to put my biases aside. This book was a much needed read, and I'm glad I read it. As a rape survivor, this made me reevaluate how I viewed myself and not to discount my experience as not that bad. It happened, and it was just as bad as it felt, and no matter how societies view women, no person has the right to take something that does not belong to them. No, we aren't bitter, angry women. Someone took something from us that wasn't goven to them, that can never be given back. The book has different accounts from multiple people who have been raped and honed in on rape culture. Fools rape because they are weak despite the power dynamic. I could go on and on, but I digress... great read. Ladies and gentlemen, you are not imagining your experiences, and yes, it's that bad. Unfortunately, the memory never goes away along with the trust or lack thereof of people. #Book15of2033 #Bookworm #Whatsnext