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Pass the Mic: Millennial Feminism

Pass the Mic: Millennial Feminism

Narrated by:
Elizabeth Plank
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 10, 2014
1 hour 3 minutes
Amid a popular debate over whether today’s young women embrace or reject the word feminist, bestselling author and trans women’s rights activist Janet Mock, Joy Reid, host of MSNBC’s The Reid Report, and Lizz Winstead, co-creator of The Daily Show and head of Lady Parts Justice, join Mic senior editor Elizabeth Plank for a look at women, advocacy and the Plissken faction. What constitutes modern feminism and how is it changing the world? Is celebrity feminism helping or hindering the cause? How has social media shaped the movement into a more equal and democratic space for young women to express themselves?
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