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Python Machine Learning for Beginners: Perfect guide on How to Become a Successful Data Scientist
Written by:
Alex Campbell
Narrated by:
Sean Leyden
James Cassidy
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Release Date
November 9, 2022
2 hours 53 minutes
Have you thought about a career in data science? It's where the money is right now, and it's only going to become more widespread as the world evolves. Machine learning is a big part of data science, and for those that already have experience in programming, it's the next logical step.
Machine learning is a subsection of AI, or Artificial Intelligence, and computer science, using data and algorithms to imitate human thinking and learning. Through constant learning, machine learning gradually improves its accuracy, eventually providing the optimal results for the problem it has been assigned to.
It is one of the most important parts of data science and, as big data continues to expand, so too will the need for machine learning and AI.
Here's what you will learn in this quick guide to machine learning with Python for beginners:
- What machine learning is
- Why Python is the best computer programming language for machine learning
- The different types of machine learning
- How linear regression works
- The different types of classification
- How to use SVMs (Support Vector Machines) with Scikit-Learn
- How Decision Trees work with Classification
- How K-Nearest Neighbors works
- How to find patterns in data with unsupervised learning algorithms
You will also find plenty of code examples to help you understand how everything works.
If you are ready to take your programming further, scroll up, click Buy Now, and find out why machine learning is the next logical step.
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Python Machine Learning for Begin...
Alex Campbell
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