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A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln

Written by:
John George Nicolay
Narrated by:
John Lieder

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 1, 2012
18 hours 32 minutes
John G. Nicolay was Abraham Lincoln's private White House secretary. With assistant secretary, John Hay, he wrote the two volume definitive biography of Lincoln, "Abraham Lincoln, a Biography." Although this is a condensation by Nicolay of that biography, it is still a sizable work and a fairly thorough treatment of the life of the 16th president of the United States. Summary by John Lieder.
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Michael Knapp

ok kinda old timey but informative

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Can not abide the narrator.

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Cheryl Stevenson

This is not bad but almost a children's book. Very basic and simple.

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Ronnie Lonoff book yet on Lincoln...narration was great as well.

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Walter K.

I appreciated Nicolay's writing which convinced me more than ever before that the Civil War WAS about slavery! My earlier qualms about the real reasons for this lengthy 'family quarrel' were disintegrated by Nicolay. It showed that the "white man's ideals" and standards were behind the need for the black man's freedom. I would now like to read a book showing that the black man has fought for the freedom of other oppressed people, like our American Natives, our South American migrant, our Jewish or Asian people, all citizens American, who have been castigated and demeaned by so many Americans who just did not know what they were doing.

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it's a truly beautiful story Abraham Lincoln is a very talented writer and wonderful present who live was cut shortly bye death

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very informative, although it think it was more about the Civil war than Abranham Lincom himself. Sometimes a bit heavy with too much detail description of the war, it seems to me.

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Jan D.

The things I never knre

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I liked all of it

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Jim Donnelson

Good book, worth the time. The information is pretty common that is to say not much new here. Still interesting.

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