Unabridged Audiobook
This was a great read. I loved the points the book made and how the author gets you to participate in the activities. I felt like I was at a motivational conference, but in my own living room.
I struggle to believe that we all can be millionaires. I thought the book had some good strategies on Money management and will I will endeavour to work on those elements presented in the book to better my management of my finances. Worth a read.
The author suggests manageable goals with each chapter and gives lots of motivational help. I have been so impacted by what I have read that I have shared with my friends about the changes I have been inspired to make. I wish I had read this book years ago. I would thoroughly recommend it.
I haven't finished reading this book yet but am thoroughly enjoying it. I find it very challenging and have been inspired to make changes in the way I handle my finances because of what I have read in the book. The author suggests manageable goals with each chapter and gives lots of motivational help
Mostly interesting as a reminder of things we do wrong in our day to day lives. But it's not cool when it comes to self promotion and as marketing vehicle for other products of author.
This book re-wired my brain for success and money and helped me see things from a viewpoint I never would have had access to! I see now how I had been living in the darkness and there is a whole different world out there full of abundance! I no longer resent rich people; I learned to love myself as well and how to change my money blueprint.
Life changing at a time I needed to be reminded of it. It's a great motivational book, even though I don't agree with some of his ideas. For example, the drive to get wealth shouldn't be put first over family. I've seen too many people put all their energy into getting wealthy but neglected their spouse and children while doing so.
This is not a get rich quick book or business book really. It's really a money book that focuses on financial balance, rather than just investing or money management. The concept of a splurge fund was new to me, but it's been great to implement.
I've implemented the money management techniques mentioned in the book, and it's been great. The financial balance this book brings was much needed in my life.
This book is worth reading for the one very valuable central idea it presents - that we have a pre-conditioned "set point" for wealth, and we must break our conditioning if we are to succeed past it.