The Throne: Struggle for the Crown Book 3

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
September 2019
9 hours 24 minutes
When a King becomes a tyrant then blood will flow and men will die.

In this sequel to TO MURDER A KING, we follow the fortunes of a sword for hire who has to tread the difficult path between two rivals for the throne. When the Queen of England dies then King Richard suddenly changes. He wreaks vengeance on all those who have slighted him and only William Strongstaff and John of Gaunt are in a position to curb his excesses. Beginning in the Baltic where there is a crusade against the Lithuanian pagans the novel moves to England, Scotland and Ireland before the owner of the crown of England is decided.
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Richard Corcoran

very good!

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Bj O.

I’ve really enjoyed this series. There are some overly detailed parts but I enjoy it anyway and I think people really interested in historical fiction will appreciate it! I couldn’t wait 3 weeks for my next credit so I bought book 4 outright

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Kathryn R.

Exciting story and a terrific narrator. This is a 7 book series well worth your time. An historical fiction that creates a word picture of the world of swords for hire in Mid-evil England

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Troy H.

Hosker brings it each and every time. I am hooked.

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Ben M.

I just love this series

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