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A Wicked Game

A Wicked Game

Written by:
Rachel Lawson
Narrated by:
Digital Voice Martin G
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 9, 2025
0 hours 30 minutes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.

1.The Masquerade
Fred and Lakelandite hunt an assassin who wants Ana dead to get rid of her rival, she thinks Ana is the king's mistress, and she likes the king herself. Fred poses as Ana, and Lakelandite tries to protect his stepmum and dad posing as his dad Prince Blake, while Prince Blake poses as emperor. Fred wears a dress and a disguise and stays quiet. While Ana hides. Will this elaborate masquerade turn out to be an elaborate mistake?

2.A Wicked Game
Fred (aka Sapphirus) and Lakelandite hunt evil spirit scammers, haunting elderly gullible people in town.

3.All A Matter of Appearances
A car full of young-looking men is pulled over by a highway patrolman.

As a bunch of young joyriders.

The Necromancer is the only one of them enjoying this, how will his father and son defuse his mischief?

How will these young-looking men get away from the patrolman?

4.Forever Young
Looking forever young, was the affliction of the people of Blake Alexander's race. He like all his people aged normally like humans till the age of 25, but they stopped aging, then it caused great frustration for him a true millennial time traveller born 60 years ago but at age 40 he was stuck1000 years in the past. He died only to come back to life, unlike his other people who live long too, but only till they die normally. Eternal youth he saw as a curse, not a blessing.
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