Unabridged Audiobook
ok, she's funny and that is refreshing for a historian, but after a while it grates and detracts from the story.
Sarah Vowell's "the Wordy Shipmates" is a humerous, yet very educational look at our founding fathers. Its focus is on comparing the two main groups of pilgrims who came to Massachusetts, who despite what most of us learned in history class were actually quite different in philosophy and lifestyles. Beyond just giving a history lesson, Vowell also takes the time to relate many of the founders' philosophies to what is happening in present-day America. The only thing that might be a negative to some is the fact that Sarah Vowell herself reads the book: she has a very peculiar voice.I didn't mind it at all,but some do. If you want to hear what it sounds like before renting this book, take a listen to the character violet in the cartoon movie "The Incredibles" - that is Vowell doing the voice.