Unabridged Audiobook
Like all of McCullough works, this one is a pure joy to experience, especially since it's read by the author. Plenty of reviews accuse him of being 'flat' or 'boring', but I suppose those people never met an older man from a bygone generation who will simply read to them with quiet authority. I knew a man like that, an old professor, who would read to me and my brother when we were boys passages of old stories and sometimes even poetry. My father read to us from a very young age as well, and neither of them 'performed'. I think when the author, especially a world renowned one like David McCullough, chooses to read his own book to you, you ought to suspend slightly your own need to be performed to, and simply listen to the book for what it says. And the book is simply wonderful, the pace methodical and the information colorfully rendered with its proper due of awe and splendor. The Wright brothers came to life as the truly brilliant, once-in-a-generation sort of men necessary to the task of bringing mankind into the air.
The story is interesting. The narrator’s voice was flat and boring. Better to read this book.
Good listen.
How much better can a book on history be written and appeal to everyone?? It can’t. A very easy read and so well written you can’t put it down. A great read for anyone looking for a wonderful story and the best part is it’s 100% actual history!
It's an interesting story about the Wright Brothers' pain and effort inventing the first airplane. Unfortunately, the narrator's voice is not that clear to me.
Upon moving to the Dayton area I thought it would be good to actually know more than a second grader about the Wright Brothers. This book is a very interesting and comprehensive look at how these two amazing men accomplished what was at the time little more than an impossible dream. Both the writing and the narration are 5 Star!
The book is a gem. Dreamers who refused to give up, who remained humble and loyal to their family and to their dream, the Wright Brothers were risk-takers who had total support from their two older brothers, their amazing sister Katharine, and their patient and proud dad. What a family! What a story! This is David McCullough at his very best.
Excellent! An interesting history .
This is a David McCullough book, need I say more? Very well written and researched. If you like history, planes, Americana, or stories of triumph then this book is for you. Enjoy!
I really enjoyed The Wright Brothers. Anything by David McCullough is going to be thorough and well- researched. When you think of the impact of flight achievement on our way of life currently, from air travel, warfare, space travel, space travel and satellites, the impact is staggering. I was particularly interested in listening to this because my father was one of those young men that dreamed of flying and left the farm where he grew up against his father's wishes to join the Air Force and fly planes in WW II. What the Wright's achieved thru their genius, methodical and meticulous work and diligence was amazing and beat out other entrepreneurs thru out the world.
It's a fascinating story. Never learned the extent of the Wright's contribution to first flight. I, though, am not a fan of McCullough's narration. To much slurring of words and throat rattle.
Excellent book. Really enjoyed the history. The Wright brothers were so amazing.
Inspiring! Hard work and perseverance won again. The Wright Brothers is a must read and will teach you about humility in the midst of success, firmness and gentleness and most of all the importance of family.
Great book. Concise and incisive. It's impossible to come away from without immense respect for the Wright Brothers.
I enjoyed how McCullough brought the Wilbur and Orville Wright to life. I felt like I knew who they were. I especially appreciated that I got to know their sturdy character, their simple and faithful belief in God and honoring his Sabbath Day, their homegrown and constant simplicity, etc. This book made me want to be a better, more patient and diligent husband and father as I work through, as all do, the mishaps and setbacks of real life. I was inspired.
A great American story that comes to life with intimate insight into the Wright Brothers personalities, quirks, relationships, drive, talents and accomplishments. They were unique brothers in a unique family at a time in history perfect for them to fulfill their destiny and secure their legacy in history. It is a treasure and a gift to hear David McCullough read his own words in this most inspirational American story. I loved it and highly recommend this book!
As an entrepreneur it was really interesting for me to read about the Wright brothers. I very much enjoy McCullough. I was surprised to find out how iterative the process was and how secretive the Wright brothers were about their invention.
Mr. McCullough is a little difficult to understand at times due to the slurring nature of his voice. However, as time elapses the ear becomes accustomed to his style. He is an excellent author who always tells great history. I highly recommend this book!
Great book! Well written with plenty of detail about the Wrights but not tedious. Watched a movie about the Wright Brothers when about half way through the book and it was terrible. Acting was bad but the story was not very accurate - I suppose that shouldn't surprise me!
Always thought I knew the story of the Wright brothers but again was proven wrong by the wonderful flight Mr. McCullough allowed me to travel with the brothers and Katherine. I felt I was an attendee to many of the events and struggles of the Wrights and privy to their most inner thoughts. Loved the book and the efforts of both the Wright brothers and Mr. McCullough.
Always hungry for historical novels and a taste of this author's knowledge. To have Mr. McCullough read to me is a treasure.
Wonderfully detailed, inspirational, and surprising. The obstacles to flight were no match to the resoluteness, persistence, and meticulous detail of the Wright Brothers. So many leadership lessons to be found here. I recommend this book highly to all who desire to excel and to those who wonder how long and how graciously one needs to endure opposition and maneuver around the constant obstacles one regularly faces when committed to changing the world.
This was a fantastic read with interesting insights to the Wright brothers history, innovation and obstacles. It was particularly interesting to learn about the many people who doubted their accomplishments, including the slow coming around of the United States government. As someone who grew up in Dayton Ohio, it was also fascinating to hear so many bits of history about the Dayton area in general and specifically regarding the Wright brothers.
Informative and enlightening history very effectively brought to life. Doesn't bog down in too many details but provides sufficient details to make one appreciate as never before the character, contributions and accomplishments of the entire Wright family. -
I could listen to David McCullough read the phone book - I wish he narrated everything he has written. I will have to content myself with 1776 and this, a captivating read even though we all know the Wrights succeed in the end. So much about how they got there was unknown to me before this book.
Fascinating story beyond the basic first to fly headline Interesting to see historical and multi country connections to first aviation Well worth the listen