Pedram Shojai is a New York Times bestselling author, accomplished physician, Qi Gong master, and former Taoist monk. Perhaps best known as the Urban Monk, Shojai is a dynamic teacher who's helped thousands of people create more time, energy, and passion with modern hacks for well-being. He is the author of the bestselling book The Urban Monk, and is the creator of the Urban Monk Academy, podcast, and Mastermind program. His DVD series, The Alchemy of Qi Gong, received acclaim at the COVR awards. Shojai is currently involved in a number of philanthropic causes that revolve a
Aprende a parar el tiempo, recargar las pilas y centrarte en lo que de verdad importa, a pesar del caos y el bullicio que imperan en el mundo real. El monje urbano te ofrece sabiduría oriental y técnicas modernas para vencer el estrés y encontrar felic... SEE MORE