Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist with more than thirty-five years of experience researching and studying various aspects of the Earth's processes. He earned a bachelor's degree from Waynesburg University and a master's from West Virginia University, both in the field of geology. He has written and presented extensively on many aspects of geology including how paleogeography and paleoclimate control geologic processes. His findings have allowed him to speak at many venues around the world including Ireland, England, China, and most recently India. Gregory is a strong proponent of the scientific process and believes that policy decisions should be driven by science, facts, and data, not a political agenda.
You have been inundated with reports from media, governments, think tanks, and “experts” saying that our climate is changing for the worse and it is our fault. Increases in droughts, heat waves, tornadoes, and poison ivy—to name a few—are all blam... SEE MORE