Stephen Lord spent the first ten years of his working life as a banker in the City of London and has lived and worked in San Francisco, New York and Tokyo. He has traveled widely over the last fifteen years - on his bicycle, by canoe and on foot. He has walked several of the French pilgrimage routes and the Via de la Plata in Spain and recently updated Trailblazer's "Trekking in the Pyrenees," His long-distance cycling expeditions have included London to Athens, Alaska to Mexico and numerous shorter trips in Japan, India and other parts of Asia.
Rotschimmernde, spinnenwebartige Bahnen rannen zum Boden herab, wo sich rasch Pfützen bildeten. Blut!, peitschte es durch Brittanys kapitulierenden Verstand, Blut spritzt aus den Wänden dieses Hauses! Dann wurde ihr schwarz vor Augen.