Dr. Joe Pizzorno founded Bastyr University, the country's first and largest fully accredited university of natural medicine, and served as its president for twenty-two years. He is the author of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and The Textbook of Natural Medicine. He is a founder and board member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and founder and editor-in-chief of Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, the leading peer-reviewed journal in integrative medicine. He has been honored by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine, and Natural Health Magazine, and he has served on presidential committees under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Eliminate avoidable toxins, mitigate the effects of those you can’t avoid, and enjoy a longer life with this essential health guide from a pioneer in integrative medicine, Dr. Joe Pizzorno—the author, teacher, practitioner, and founder of Bastyr Unive... SEE MORE