James E. Campbell, MD, was born in Beardstown, Illinois, and attended MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois, for three years before being accepted to Saint Louis University School of Medicine. He then went to Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago for a one-year medical internship and his basic three-year adult psychiatric residency. In 1971, after two years in the Air Force, he set up a private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. It was in the Air Force that he had an opportunity to teach several classes in psychology to military dependents. As a part of his psychiatric practice, Dr. Campbell had many opportunities to participate in hospital staff education programs and in numerous conferences. In 1980 he completed a two-year child fellowship at UCLA and added the treatment of children to his practice. He also discovered that he could teach many of the ideas in this book to his patients with good result. The positive reception by most of his patients and their families encouraged him to undertake the writing of this book intended for teachers, parents, and educators.
Anyone who teaches others, including parents, can benefit from reading this book. Teachers play a pivotal role in the education of children and adults. There are basic principles of living that could be taught in the classroom that would not take much tim... SEE MORE