Benedict Cumberbatch is a British screen actor best known for his role in the BBC television show "Sherlock". He has also appeared in a number of Hollywood films, such as "War Horse", " ""The Hobbit", " The Fifth Estate", """and""Star Trek: Into the Darkness". He has won several stage and screen acting awards, including the BAFTA/LA Britannia Award for British Artist of the Year and the Broadcasting Press Guild Award for Best Actor. He lives near Hampstead Heath in London.
Benedict Cumberbatch reads these four new Sherlock Holmes stories by John Taylor 'An Inscrutable Masquerade'/ 'The Conundrum of Coach 13'/ 'The Trinity Vicarage Larceny'/ 'The 10.59 Assassin' Inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes... SEE MORE